home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
07/07/95)= 71.53 5844( 10/07/95)= 152.69 5845( 06/07/95)= 50.76 5846( 18/07/95)= 76.14 5847( 31/07/95)= 67.63 5848( 31/07/95)= 62.96 5849( 25/07/95)= 151.22 5850( 17/07/95)= 50.76 5851( 20/07/95)= 607.25 5852( 20/07/95)= 51.41 5853( 17/07/95)= 21.30 HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 12.22 5856( 25/07/95)= 19.55 5857( 31/07/95)= 678.64 5858( 25/07/95)= 768.65 5859( 06/07/95)= 91.56 5860( 13/07/95)= 350.86 5861( 06/07/95)= 52.73 5862( 14/07/95)= 198.44 6039( 22/07/95)= 77.55 6040( 03/07/95)= 14.56 6041( 10/07/95)= % End of page % Toner Tuner Copyright 1993 Working Software, Inc. % All Rights Reserved % Patent Applied For userdict /ttInstalled known not { userdict begin /ttInstalled true def 100 div dup 3 1 roll mul 1 add exch sub } settransfer 100 currentscreen 4 -2 roll pop 3 1 roll setscreen % End Toner Tuner setup Monaco colin@ book-keeping@ alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ aviation ayles ayles deceased baird baker bamforth barber bartlett basten batchelor berry bibra bierling budden business butters byfield calipa cannon caravan d]dQ`Y`W 9/7/9998 Yesf2 Helvetica Geneva ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 3 ADDRESS 4 BIRTHDATE BUSINESS DESCRIPTION CLIENT NAME CLIENT NUMBER CONSTANT CREATION DATE CURRENT DATE CURRENT DISTRICT NUMBER DISTRICT PHONE NUMBER EMAIL EMPLOYER REFERENCE FIRSTNAMES HUSBAND'S NAME HUSBANDS BIRTHDATE HUSBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dS UTR HUSBANDS UTR dS UTR HUSBANDS UTR dANDS UTR dBANDS UTR HUSBANDS UTR HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR d NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dNDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dANDS NI NO HUSBANDS UTR dBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dHUSBANDS UTR dS NI NO STANDING ORDER Flag setupB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 SURNAME TAX DISTRICT ADDRESS 1 TAX DISTRICT ADDRESS 2 TAX DISTRICT ADDRESS 3 TAX DISTRICT ADDRESS 4 TAX DISTRICT NAME TAX DISTRICT POSTCODE TOTAL SELECTED WIFES BIRTHDATE WIFES BIRTHDATE 2 WIFES BIRTHDATE DEFAULT WIFES NAME WIFES NI NO WIFES UTR A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB SalutationB Tax OfficesB TO File ClosedB Tax RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB I am pleased to announce that the new building at the rear of my home is now complete and I have moved in. The hard work of the last 6 months has created a first class working environment and a pleasant venue to discuss your affairs. The new address, phone number etc are at the head of this letter. Claremont Avenue runs south from Castle Lane just west of the Broadway Pub/Charminster Road roundabout to West Way. If you come down the hill from West Way make sure you bear right and don t fol low the road round as it becomes Haverstock Road. If I am holding paperwork which needs to be returned to you I will have marked this letter with a red cross at the bottom right-hand, and perhaps you might care to call to collect it (please ring before you leave to make sure I am here). Another reason to call might be to deliver your records for the year to 31 March 1998, or the quarter to 30 June. As some of you will know, Sue Bird is no longer working with me. This is principally becau Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 %RPTH alis FPTHA%Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends MSPCA 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Offices RPTHA TF Tax Offices ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Offices RPTHA TF Tax Offices ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Offices ntosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends MSPCA RPTHA Dividends ZONEA LettersC GCD relationship Test Tax Offices FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office ,Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Test Tax Offices Tax OfficesB TO File ClosedB Tax RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB DescriptionB PhoneB FirstnamesB A BirthdateB X<You must enter a date of birth - if not known enter 1/1/2000 Wifes BirthdateB X<You must enter a date of birth - if not known enter 1/1/2000 Ni NoB Wifes NameB Wifes Ni NoB BranchB Bank Account No Bank Account No Bank Account No Bank Account Noount No Bank Account NonchB Bank Account NomberB Bank Account NoG InitialsB SurnameB A Address 1B A Address 2B A Address 3B A Address 4B PostcodeB SalutationB PAYE Dist RefB t RefB Dist RefB PAYE Dist RefB PAYE Dist RefB Old RefB DescriptionB Macintosh HD Clients_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Clients_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 1RPTH FPTHA1Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Family Tax Files 1Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Index fgbfD fgbfF 25/5/99 sb bbf 12:39:57 am 39:57 am 39:57 am :42 pm 49:42 pm 24/4/98 16/9/98 9:11:08 pm 11:08 pm Client NumberB 3) & 001 FlagB FlagB FlagB FlagB Include in MailshotsB Include in MailshotsB 3n MailshotsB 3in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB 3 in MailshotsB NAME@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA ZONE@ alisA NAME@ NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ alisA FPTH@ RPTH@ alisA alisA MSPC@ NAMEA RPTH@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ Goto Front Page """""""""""""" Cancel""" YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$ Macintosh HD Clients_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Clients_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 7RPTH FPTHA7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Clients_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Clients_.USR RPTHA Clients_.USR Password "Hello" Hello 1)="Don" u + 1 u = 3 Sorry"""""" 0"""""""""""""""""" Cancel""" YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$ +RPTH FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Dividends RPTHA Dividends ZONEA agn001 air001 air002 air003 alc001 alc002 all001 and001 and002 arn001 ayl001 bai001 bak001 bak002 bal001 bal002 bal003 bam001 bar001 bar002 bas001 bat001 bat002 bee001 bee002 bee003 bee004 ber001 ber002 bib001 bie001 bir001 bir002 bir004 bla001 bon001 bon002 bon003 boy001 boy002 bra001 bri002 bri003 bro001 bro002 bro003 bry001 cat001 cat002 cat003 chi001 chu001 cla001 cla002 cli001 cob001 col001 col002 coo001 cos001 cos002 cra001 cul001 cum001 cun001 cun002 cut001 cut002 dad002 dag001 dal001 dav001 der001 doe001 doe002 doe003 doe004 doe005 dow001 dra001 dre001 dub001 eat001 edw001 edw002 edw004 NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA ::Index.USR Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 98 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 7RPTH FPTHA7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:Clients_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Clients_.USR RPTHA Clients_.USR (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA<Sincerely yours Yours Sincerely Yours Faithfully Best Wishes VDEFA( (LIST LISTAdClient Former client Client (partner) Sue's Client Friend Client's spouse Unknown Prospective client VDEFA( TickC Signature StyleD Client status FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0 UK English - Spelling alisA Macintosh HD u Dividends FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office %Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends Q Self Join CompanylineQ Self Join CompanylineQ Self Join nylineQ Self Join Clients to Payments Clients to Payments ments ConstantB DateB TimeB Tax District NameB Tax District Address 1B Tax District Address 2B Tax District Address 3B Tax District Address 4B Tax District PostcodeB District Phone NumberB TestB TimeB TimeB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 ris001 ros001 ros002 ros003 ros004 ros005 ros006 rou001 san001 san002 sap001 sax001 sax002 ses001 sha001 sha002 she001 sho001 sho002 sin001 sme001 smi001 smi002 smi004 smi005 sno001 sno002 spa001 spa002 ste001 ste002 stu001 sum001 sundry swe001 syk001 tal001 tay001 tay002 tee001 tho001 tho002 tho003 til001 tra001 tri001 tri002 tur001 tur002 tur003 und001 van001 var001 ver001 wad001 wad002 war001 wat001 wea001 wel001 wel002 wel003 wel004 wes001 wes002 wha001 wha002 whi001 whi002 whi004 wig001 wig002 wil002 wil003 wil004 wil005 wil006 wil008 wil010 wre001 Front PageB Front PageB NAMEA ClntLtrs.FP3 Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD /RPTH FPTHA/Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Payments_.USR MSPCA NAMEA Payments_.USR RPTHA Payments_.USR alisA Macintosh HD Payments_.USR BFMP3FMP3 Tax Manager 98 (SDK) /Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Payments_.USR FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR RPTHA ClntLtrs.FP3 ZONEA Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ZONEA -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ZONEA alis:TaxRefs_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ZONEA RPTHA Index.USR ZONEA Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):ClLttrs_.USR MSPCA NAMEA ClLttrs_.USR RPTHA ClLttrs_.USR ZONEA +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR "Zip 100:Tax Manager 97:Comlne_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD INITIALS LAST MODIFIED NI NO PHONE POSTCODE SERIAL NUMBER SO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE jT DATE SO START DATE jSO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE jONTH SO START DATE j START DATE SO START DATE SO START DATE jRT DATE jNG ORDER Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 2RPTH FPTHA2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Ptnrlne_.USR Find for mailshot Spellcheck Goto Client Letters Goto Flag Setup Find flags Goto Tax Refs Find client A Goto Help Goto Standing Order A Goto 64-8 Startup script "RPTH alis FPTHA"Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD +y Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory "Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 "RPTH alis FPTHA"Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD +y Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory "Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Index.FP3 FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA ClntLtrs.FP3 Enter find mode d mode Goto Front Page Goto References Goto Practice Notes Goto Mailshot Goto Client List Enter find mode o Front Page Goto References Goto Practice Notes Goto Mailshot Goto Client List Enter find mode Personal File - indexB PersonalI Tax ReferencesO QuitP CloseQ HelpR IndexX 0RPTH J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 0RPTH Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA Goto Index Spellcheck Goto Help Startup script Password Goto Front Page Goto Standing Order Goto 64-8 Startup script Find all Print Flag list Print Client list Goto Front Page Goto References Goto Practice Notes Goto Mailshot Goto Client List Enter find mode Password Goto Flag Setup Find flags Goto Tax Refs Find client Serial NumberB Husband's NameB Husbands Ni NoB Husbands BirthdateB Husbands UTRB eMailB Client NameB & " " & Wifes Birthdate 2B Wifes Birthdate defaultB Total SelectedB Total SelectedB Total SelectedB Total SelectedB Practice notesB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Close Index Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD /RPTH Fali FPTHA/Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 +RPTH FPTHA+ZIP-100:Family Tax:TM Files:Family Tax Help FaliA ZIP-100 Family Tax Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files +ZIP-100:Family Tax:TM Files:Family Tax Help .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Family Tax Help RPTHA Family Tax Help alisA ZIP-100 Family Tax Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files +ZIP-100:Family Tax:TM Files:Family Tax Help .SC/IOMEGA 5RPTH alis FPTHA5Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alislp .SC/IOMEGA Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Initials Address Firstnames ~ Birthdate s Birthdate Wifes Name incl surname User Number Personal details Postcode Surname Close Index Husbands Birthdate Husbands Name incl s Phone eMail Delete Yesf2 INITIALS SURNAME Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends 95/6 MSPCA NAMEA Dividends 95/6 RPTHA Dividends 95/6 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Dividends 95/6 FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office *Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Dividends 95/6 *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Tax References MSPCA NAMEA Tax References RPTHA Tax References ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Tax References FMP3FMP3 New Tax Office *Macintosh HD:New Tax Office:Tax References FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Dividends 95/6 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA ::Index.USR Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 98 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD Zip 100 Index.USR J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA National Insce Number Wifes Ni No User Number Unique Taxpayer Ref Business Description Close Index ABAB>> << ABAC>> Wifes UTR Current employer Tax ref References Husbands Ni No Husbands UTR Delete Address Postcode Tax District Name Telephone Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 SO SetupB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 +RPTH FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA Individual Return 1Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Header_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA +RPTH FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 98 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR Individual Return 2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TaxOffs_.USR David's Mac Zip 100 David .SC/IOMEGA +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR Macintosh HD TF Header Details }FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory *Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Header Details Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HDW *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Client Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Client Letters RPTHA TF Client Letters ZONEA Yesf2 alisA Macintosh HD ClntLtrs.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Tax Refs.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Tax Refs.FP3 RPTHA Tax Refs.FP3 ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD Tax Refs.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Tax Refs.FP3 2RPTH FPTHA2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TaxOffs_.USR Fali,; NAMEA Tax Offs.FP3 RPTHA Tax Offs.FP3 ZONEA Hugh Ross blackman@ carroll@ cattermole@ faulkner@ gunnell@ hopkins@ lofts@ lucin@ miles@ moss@ reynolds@ thompson@ family@ orest forest how003@ kin004@ pas001@ ren002@ NAME@ alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA ZONE@ alisA ZONE@ alisA alis@ ZONE@ alisA alis@ alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alis@ ZONEA Macintosh HD TF DSS Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Assessments MSPCA NAMEA TF Assessments RPTHA TF Assessments ZONEA Macintosh HD TF Assessments FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Assessments Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD )RPTH FPTHA)Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Agent Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Agent Letters RPTHA TF Agent Letters ZONEA Tax District DetailsB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Macintosh HD TF VAT Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF VAT Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF DSS Letters RPTHA TF DSS Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory 'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF DSS Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD? Macintosh HD TF Tax Office Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory .Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Office Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 'RPTH FPTHA'Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF VAT Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF VAT Letters RPTHA TF VAT Letters ZONEA Macintosh HD TF Agent Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory )Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Agent Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HDH %RPTH FPTHA%Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA ClntLtrs.FP3 RPTHA ClntLtrs.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory %Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:ClntLtrs.FP3 Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD Goto Index Spellcheck A Goto Help Startup script Startup script Startup script Startup script A Goto 64-8 Startup script A Goto 64-8 Startup script Startup script Order A Goto 64-8 Startup script Current District NumberB Business DescriptionB [A Wifes UTRB Employer ReferenceB Current DateB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Last ModifiedB Personal Details Tax District Details Front Page ayments tanding Order Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Order Standing Order Standing Order Standing Order Standing Order Standing Order 31/12/99 Helloeur new-style Tax Return when it arrives next weekv 1/4/97 31/12/99likely to be self-employed. Someone who is paid by the hour, at times set for him and who is supervised, is most likely to be employed. Please remember that if you properly review your working practices and act on the review from 6 April 1997, the authorities will not come after you for back-taxes later, so you can write your own insurance policy against this danger by following this advice. We are as eveD7r at your disposal to advice on this and other matters. uCWhat to do with your new-style Tax Return when it arrives next week Personal DetailsB Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 Yesf2 $RPTH FPTHA$Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Refs RPTHA TF Tax Refs ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Tax Refs FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory $Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs !RPTH MSPC FPTHA!Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes MSPCA NAMEA TF Notes RPTHA TF Notes ZONEA Tax Factory $Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Refs !RPTH MSPC FPTHA!Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes MSPCA NAMEA TF Notes RPTHA TF Notes ZONEA Macintosh HD TF Notes FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory !Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Notes Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD *RPTH FPTHA*Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Header Details MSPCA NAMEA TF Header Details RPTHA TF Header Details ZONEA #RPTH FPTHA#Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Letters RPTHA TF Letters ZONEA alisA Macintosh HD TF Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory #Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters Macintosh HD TF Client Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory *Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Client Letters Macintosh HD Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD .RPTH FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Tax Office Letters MSPCA NAMEA TF Tax Office Letters RPTHA TF Tax Office Letters ZONEA Yesf2 Helvetica Geneva L Helvetica Light Bookman Arial Bookman Old Style Times New Roman TF Letters J@6FMP3FMP3 Tax Factory #Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:TF Letters 28 Lepatourel CloseD Purewell 25/5/99 18/9/98 25/5/99 25/5/99 12:40:06 am 18/9/98 18/9/98 18/9/98 18/9/98 11:49:47 pm 18/11/98 18/9/98 18/11/98 18/11/98 1:52:17 pm 18/11/98 1:52:17 pm 11:49:42 pm urchF DorsetG BH23 3EER 0202 488672[ Helen Dorothye Ada002 3/4/98 3/4/98 Adams Mrs H.D. Mr M.L.B AireyC 99 Talbot RoadD WintonE BournemouthG BH9 2JER 0202 522011V MichaelW 13/4/33[&......................................e Air001 13/8/98 13/8/98 Airey Mr M.L. Mr M.W.B AireyC 7 Amesbury RoadD SouthbourneE BournemouthG BH6 5AYR 01202 253462V Martyn WilliamW 1/4/67Y NM 84 63 06 Ae Air002n ROS001 ROS001n ROS001e Air002n ROS0010e Air002n ROS001001n ROS0012n ROS00100e Air002n ROS0010e Air002n ROS001n ROS0012n ROS0012n ROS001n ROS0010e Air002n ROS001001n ROS001 ROS001ir002n ROS0014.00e Air002n ROS001 63 06 Aa 24.00e Air002n ROS001OS00102n ROS001 Client alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR Family Tax Files 5Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Help file